Saturday, October 31, 2015

How will 7th CPC calculator expected pay structure affect salary hike?

Till date, six central pay commissions (CPC) have been made mandates by the government of India and each time, employees got more than their expectations. As the 7th CPC, which was officially proposed and filed on 28th, February of 2014, is set to come into action from 01-01-2016 onwards, bother central and central government employees are eagerly and anxiously inquiring amongst each other, "how much hike is expected and guaranteed by the 7th pay commission comes into the fore?"

Well, as we have heard from strong reliable sources, minimum of 30% hike on lower limit bracket is definitely on the cards and guaranteed by the 7th CPC calculator.  On upper limit bracket, the expected pay structure of 7th CPC says that salaries can increase from 2.5 to 3 times.

However, this is only an expectation, not a confirmation. NO OFFICIAL STATEMENT or order has been declared or recorded yet with regards to the expected hike calculations of 7th CPC.

I need to say that I am neither a financial expert, not financial advisor nor any government official from the concerned department. I have only shared the information regarding 7th CPC expected pay hike which I acquired from experts. The aim was that I thought it can be useful to people looking for it.

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