Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sample letter format to your Bank to get the Swift BIC Code

I am sure this is not that much important topic. But sometimes small issues cause bigger headaches. Writing a letter to bank for getting the Swift BIC code is also not that much difficult but this has to written in a properly and methodical way. Below is a sample format for you and if it meets your need, the pleasure is only mine. You can replace certain identified words with your own data/parameters and print it if you like and submit it to your bank.


The Branch Manager, 
<Your Bank
<Your Branch> .
Subject: Swift BIC code of <Your bank name>, <Your branch> to add in my Google Adsense account for International Wire Transfer payment.


 I have the honor to inform you that I am an online blogger/website owner and I regularly contribute contents on my blog/website (Your Blog/Website name). My contents are monetized by an online ad revenue program from Google Inc, USA called ‘AdSense’.

I had been receiving check payments from Google till date which I had been depositing in my account (Your Bank A/c No) that is held with your branch. You can verify my statements of accounts to confirm my client’s name.  Google has introduced the International Wire Transfer (EFT) payment method for the Indian online ad publishers this year and it has urged me to provide the Swift BIC code of my bank in my advertising contract to enable faster payment transfer of money. Hence, I humbly request you to please give me the Swift BIC code of this branch so that I can redefine and renew my advertising contracts with Google well before its given date.

I hereby confirm that the information given above is mentioned in a healthy state of my mind and consciousness. 
Place:------                                                                                               Yours faithfully, 
Date:-------                                                                                           < Your Signature> 
<Your Full name> 

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