Sunday, July 20, 2014

Acronis True Image Win OS Backup Restore 2014 Review Features

Here is the review of the backup software for Windows Acronis True Image 2014.  Understand how it can protect your data and the OS by creating its backup in a faster speed.

Acronis True Image 2014 is one of the most complete, trustworthy and safe backup package software for your for PC. Acronis can back up files of your choice and it can also create a full image backup of the entire PC. Then it can save all your documents in an FTP server or an external hard disk drive . ATI 2014 backup and restore for Windows OS  provides astonishing features like 5 GB of free online storage for a year, email notification of completed backups, a hard drive eraser tool, mounting backups as regular disks, a PC cloning utility, sandbox mode for safe browsing of files and folders etc. It is fine-tuned for all the major Windows versions like Win7 or Win 8. For all Windows OS users, this is a must have software in your system because  Acronis 2014 is simply made for data and PC safety.

New Key Features of Acronis True Image 2014 Win OS backup restore

Here are the special and salient features of ATI 2014 Win OS software:

1.     Complete Disk Image Backup

First select your mode of backup storage like online or offline and then select your files, folders, bookmarks etc. Remember that here you have also the option of  making a full system image backup recovery. Alternatively you can always partial and selected backups for quick access. I recommend the former way as more reliable.

2.     Takes care of the time factor

There is an option called the Time Explorer which helps to return in time and restore your data to your complete system to that point of time.

3.     Timely scheduling and reporting

Acronis has a ‘Set and Forget’ feature that ensures every edit made to your hard drive is backed up. Hence, even if a system crash occurs, all the data you've modified recently will be easily restored and saved. This tool also allows scheduled automatic backups. All choices are up to you to make and the rest is taken care of by Acronis.

4.     Handful of online help and support

   Acronis True Image 2014 offers online FAQ in its official website. Read them to fix               your issue if you have any of them at all. If your problem is special, contact Acronis via its telephone/email support that is available in the website too. This helps in quick resolving and getting back to normal activities.
5.     Free Cloud Storage
Acronis now offers 5GB of secure virtual cloud storage. So, store copies of your all valuable document files online and access them in need even from your mobile devices like mobile phone, tablets, iPads etc. When you are signing up for the services of Acronis, it initially offers you 50GB of storage in trial period
6.     Quick PC Migration
      Acronis now allows you to migrate your selected files and folders or the entire system to any other PC. This process has become possible due to the True Image Premium feature.
 7.   Smooth and Flexible Restoration of backup
      Now restore your created backup very easily from any PC to any other computer you want to shift/exchange, along with the dynamic disk storage and Microsoft Windows Pre-installation Environments (Win PE).

Pros and Cons of ATI 2014 Win OS backup restore

Acronis True Image 2014 is another simple software like the SuperDuper! Mac OS backup and restore with a user friendly interface that meets all factors of a PC and data maintenance.

      The only point to note is that it doesn't allow system admins to schedule/take remote backups. The set up size is nearly 250 MB which is much bigger from other backup and restore softwares.
Final comments
Acronis True Image 2014 is available in several versions like free, trial and paid version. The paid version delivers all the secret and exclusive features stated above. But you can choose as suited to you.

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