India's biggest smartphone manufacturer and seller Micromax has launched its latest smartphone Canvas 5 with 3 GB RAM and 1.3 MHz meditek Octacore processor and an initial market price of Rs. 11,999.
With a gigagntic 5.2 inch touch screen display made with three layer coated gorilla glass and Android Lollipop 5.1 Operaing System, the Micromax Canvas 5 smartphone with a price tag of INR 11,999/- gives a solid alternative to those android lovers who want a smartphone under 12000 rupees of budget.
And regarding the key specs and features of the Micromax Canvas 5, it supports 4G LTE band 40 and worldwide networks. Its front and rear cameras are 13 and 5 mega pixels respectively. Its battery capacity is 2900 mAh and if you want a smartphone of this kind, the good news for you is that the Micromax canvas 5 public sale has started from today i. e. 4th' November 2015.
With a gigagntic 5.2 inch touch screen display made with three layer coated gorilla glass and Android Lollipop 5.1 Operaing System, the Micromax Canvas 5 smartphone with a price tag of INR 11,999/- gives a solid alternative to those android lovers who want a smartphone under 12000 rupees of budget.
And regarding the key specs and features of the Micromax Canvas 5, it supports 4G LTE band 40 and worldwide networks. Its front and rear cameras are 13 and 5 mega pixels respectively. Its battery capacity is 2900 mAh and if you want a smartphone of this kind, the good news for you is that the Micromax canvas 5 public sale has started from today i. e. 4th' November 2015.
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